On the road

Children and grandchildren long for freedom... in a motorhome

55 days of confinement

March 17!

The government tells us we have to stay at home to fight the COVID 19 epidemic.

During these 55 days, we've had plenty of time to reflect, particularly on our way of life.

Freedom to travel: a reality turned into a dream.

Before confinement, we didn't think that the freedom to go wherever we wanted could be so important to so many of us.

Looking for some fresh air? Why not take to the road in a camper van? Here you are on the roads of France, Italy, Portugal and Morocco.

When you own a motorhome, what could be more natural than to hit the road overnight?

Children, too, dream of freedom in a motorhome.

Some of you took the opportunity to spend some quality time with the grandchildren. Discovering the beautiful French countryside in a camper van with Grandma and Grandpa or Mom and Dad. Memories for the kids! Moments they will never forget, especially during those 55 days of confinement.

Some of the children took advantage of this confinement to draw their dream motorhome. Perhaps our future motorhomes!


camper design during confinement

In any case, it's a great way to travel and think about future motorhome trips!




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