When asked how they cook on the road, many motorhome drivers give the same answer: "Just like at home". Well, almost. In a motorhome, you have a little less space than at home, and the kitchen is in the same room as the bedroom. Which means you need to take a few precautions and adapt.
Being organized
"The pleasure of travel is also on the plate". That's Corinne Bretinière's philosophy. As a camper and cook by trade, she never leaves home without her pots and pans. She also takes the opportunity to share a few tips with us. The first is organization. "Even if you have less space, a motorhome is still a stable, comfortable vehicle. You take things step by step, keep a clean work surface and always put each utensil in its place, so you can find it easily when you're looking for it". For Corinne, it's also a question of finding her own rhythm. With her husband, they prefer short trips to long ones. They stop driving at around 3 pm. "I take my time. I cook for the evening and lunch the next day. It allows us to get back on the road in the morning with peace of mind. For Lénaïg Maréchal, it's the day's errands that dictate the pace. "We run errands on the road, day by day, and it's these that set the tempo... and the menu".
Sourcing locally...
For Lénaïg, as for Corinne, eating on the road means eating local. Markets, local producers, the France Passion network, and even stores, they make do with what they find on the road, in France and abroad. "I'm planning a trip to Albania, Macedonia and Greece. I'm finding out about local dishes, recipes and typical products, so I can make do with what I find when I get there", says Corinne. For Jean-Yves and Martine Lainé, traveling by camper van means "drowning in the local population, adapting their codes, and eating like them. That's what traveling is all about!